Creation 10


Creation process

TENUE 10 bis Yeeun

A hotel that cleanses the soul

« Cleansing » means much more than simply cleaning something dirty. We often use expressions like « cleansing bad emotions » or « cleansing the spirit », which imply a process of purification and healing. Hotel Nolinski aims to offer its guests much more than just a place to relax. It seeks to cleanse their souls and embrace them warmly. That’s the image I wanted to convey through this design.

Planning to making – front : The initial design concept emphasizes fabric details that evoke the sensation of flowing water being gently wiped away.  This project draws inspiration from the primary colors of the Nolinski interior and incorporates them into the design. The dress will echo the luxurious and voluminous aesthetic of the hotel’s interior, capturing its grandeur through a sophisticated and full-bodied silhouette.

Planning to making – side detail : I plan to use the wrinkles created when wiping with the towels provided by the hotel as a detailed element, and work with hand sewing, an essential craftsmanship in fashion. Since handcrafting is a process that heals many people, I will incorporate this element into the process, as the theme of the work is healing.

Planning for making – back : When we enter the hotel, we escape from the suffocating reality and feel a sense of freedom, much like a fish freed from a can I wanted to express the transition from the canned world to returning to my free self in the hotel so I added this concept in the details. Additionally, since I’m using pillow fabric from the hotel’s linens. I wanted to incorporate elements of dreams and fantasy, which I expressed through a free-spirited fish.”

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