Showgirl Workshop at Nolinski Paris
16 March 16h00 - 18h00
Once a month, Kalon offers “Showgirl” workshops in the cosy and intimate atmosphere of the Grand Salon at the Nolinski Paris.
The Kalon method and its various workshops are designed to tone and sculpt the body like a dancer, without needing to be one. Join the Kalon dancers for an intense Cardio Barre session followed by instruction in an authentic “Showgirl” choreography.
30 minutes of Kalon Cardio Barre to tone, strengthen and sculpt your body, while warming your muscles up for the choreography afterwards
Learning the walk elegantly in heels followed by showgirl choreography
5.30 – 6PM
Cocktails and conversation
For this workshop, please bring comfortable heels, leggings or shorts, bra or crop top and socks.