Suite Brach
Suite Brach Paris
Hotel Brach Paris
Salon Brach Paris
Terrasse Brach Madrid
Home Places Hotels Brach Hotels


In Paris and soon in Madrid and Roma, Brach settles in the heart of magnificient neighborhoods and revices a welcoming and sophisticated art de vivre. It provides visitors with a joyful, authentic, immersive experience, a contemporary interpretation of life in this community. Here, wellbeing, energy and attention to detail are for everyone. Everyone feels comfortable, welcomed, loved, and appreciated. The poetry and magic of the place imperceptibly envelop the guests. In each city, Philippe Starck adapts the style of each destination. Hotels, sports clubs, swimming pools, pâtisserie, kitchen garden, terraces, and bars: Brach is everything all at once. Hybrid and surprising, Brach is constantly resonant.

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