Jazz Thursdays Paris
Jazz Thursdays
Press release
From June 10 to July 29, 2021, Jazz Thursdays are back every Thursday from 7:30 to 9:30 pm, with concerts on the terrace and a menu that is perfectly tuned to the music and this bucolic atmosphere.
Press Contact
- Evok press coordination Solenn Gubri sgubri@evokcollection.com
- France Agence Proches Béatrice Korb Kaplan beatrice.korb@agenceproches.com
- France Agence Proches Laurence Songvilay laurence.songvilay@agenceproches.com
- USA Bacchus Agency Cara Chapman cara@bacchus.agency
- UK Bacchus Agency Nicola Franklin nicola@bacchus.agency
- ITALY LE VAN KIM Jasmine Le Van Kim jasmine@levankim.it
- ESPAGNE BRANDSCOMM Carlota Lario Aguado carlota@brandscomm.com
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